Saturday, 20 April 2019


I think my best day was when I went to Prophetic Gathering at Jakarta a week ago. At there, I could meet Him. I felt His presence in my life. He gave me a new experience. But let me tell you the story behind this experience.
Indeed, I have been a Christian for a long time and I have been serving God in church until this time, but I always find many problems in my personal life. Honestly, a few months before I went to Jakarta, I was disapointed with God. All of my plans that I had arranged in the beginning of this year was changed  drastically. I was faced with a lot of problems, especially about my family. I had much of pressure. I almost gave up and I was wondering for months. The climax was in the end of March, I entered a phase where I had to choose to stay following Jesus or I just leave Him.
Praise the Lord, He is good for my life. He brings me in a “Spiritual Journey”, through Koh Herry and Koh Wawan. They forced me to join Propethic Gathering. At first I was shocked, because all this time I am just a Sunday school teacher that likes to use my logic. I thought that kind of event which was prophetic is not matched to my service field. However, God always worked in me through Koh Herry and Koh Wawan. Everytime they met or phoned me, they always asked me to join it. Finally, I gave my heart to join the event.
But, before I went to Jakarta, firstly Koh Herry asked me to accompany him in a wedding reception of my brother, Arga. In the next day on Sunday, Koh Herry was also preaching in Cilacap about How GOD is Important in Our Lives. Let me give you the analogy. “If there is a pillar that is a Source of Water, it’s impossible if someone who needs water goes to wall, chair or door”. Definitely the one who needs water will come to the pillar. This pillar depicts God and the one who needs water is us. From this illustration, God evaluated my heart, I realized how important it is to put God first over everything in our lives. See? After that, from Cilacap, we came back to Jogja.
Then in the next day, we went to Jakarta. In Jakarta, God’s words that I got in Cilacap were more strengthened by Ms. Christin, she was telling us about the story of Esther. Esther tried to prepare everything, that she might not like, instead the things that God likes. That story gave me an understanding that is in doing everything , the first thing that we have to make sure is we match and please in God’s heart. This point, we have to check carefully and in detail. We have a goal of life which is to please God’s heart. That’s why everything that we do is not for our pleasure personally so that we get praise from people, but it’s all for the glory of God’s name.
There were a lot of other things that I learned, moreover when Ps. Niko Njotorahardjo shared something to us, when a prayer spoke to him and he directly repented. Then, I also evaluated my own self. Think of this, Pastor Niko Njotorahardjo who gets annointing from God, was also evaluated by God through other people. Then, I also decided to repent and not to be arrogant. I surrender my heart to be changed by God.
During in Jakarta, I came back to the first love, God brought me to sing and worship Him. The burdens that binded me were gone. I felt peace because the Holy Spirit kept talking to me.  I didn't ask anything from God, everytime I pray I just say to God, I want to please Your heart only, I want to feel like this in my entire life, don't let Your Spirit far from me.
God is good. These weeks, God returns my life back. I become more enthusiastic to work and serve God. All the heavy burdens, one by one was gone. The thing that makes me grateful is I CANCEL TO LEAVE GOD.


 Hari yang paling menyenangkan buat aku adalah ketika aku pergi ke Prophetic Gathering di Jakarta seminggu yang lalu. Di sana aku bisa ketemu dengan Tuhan. Aku merasakan kehadiran-Nya dalam hidupku. Tuhan memberi aku pengalaman baru. Sebelumnya, aku mau menceritakan kisah di balik pengalaman ini.
Aku sudah lama menjadi seorang Kristen dan aku juga telah melayani di gereja sampai saat ini, tapi aku selalu menemukan banyak masalah dalam hidupku. Jujur dalam beberapa bulan ini sebelum aku ke Jakarta, aku kecewa sama Tuhan. Semua rencana aku yang telah kususun di awal tahun berubah drastis. Aku dihadapkan banyak masalah, terutama tentang keluarga aku. Aku banyak mendapat tekanan. Aku hampir nyerah dan aku terus menimbang-nimbang beberapa bulan, puncaknya akhir Maret, aku masuk di fase untuk memilih tetap ikut Tuhan atau aku meninggalkan Tuhan.
Puji Tuhan, Tuhan baik buat hidupku. Dia bawa aku ke dalam “Spiritual Journey” melalui Koh Herry dan Koh Wawan. Mereka paksa aku ikut, awalnya aku terkejut, karena selama ini aku hanya seorang guru Sekolah Minggu yang suka ngandalin logika. Aku rasa acara seperti itu apalagi yang namanya Prophetic Gathering bertolak belakang dengan bagian pelayananku. Tuhan terus bekerja buat Koh Herry dan Koh Wawan, tiap ketemu atau nelponan mereka selalu ajak aku untuk ikut. Akhirnya aku memberi hati untuk ikut.
Sebelum ke Jakarta, Koh Herry ajak aku ke Cilacap untuk pergi ke resepsi pernikahan saudaraku, Arga. Esok minggunya, di sana Koh Herry khotbah tentang Pentingnya Tuhan Dalam Hidup Kita, “Ibarat tiang ini adalah sumber air tidak mungkin yang butuh air pergi ke dinding, ke kursi atau ke pintu. Tentu yang membutuhkan air tersebut ke tiang ini”. Tiang ini menggambarkan Tuhan dan yang membutuhkan air adalah kita. Dari ilustrasi tersebut, Tuhan mengoreksi hati aku, aku menyadari begitu pentingnya mengutamakan Tuhan dalam hidup kita. Setelah dari Cilacap, kami kembali ke Jogja.
Dan esoknya kami ke Jakarta. Di Jakarta, firman yang kudapat di Cilacap semakin diteguhkan. Bu Christin mengisahkan kisah Ester. Ester mempersiapkan segala sesuatu bukan yang disukainya, tetapi yang disukai raja. Kisah tersebut memberi pengertian dalam melakukan segala sesuatu yang kita utamakan adalah cocok dan berkenan di hadapan Tuhan. Poin ini kita cek secara teliti dan detail. Tujuan hidup kita adalah menyenangkan hati Tuhan, makanya setiap yang kita lakukan bukan kesenangan hati kita secara pribadi supaya dapat pujian, tetapi semuanya hanya kemuliaan nama-Nya.
Banyak hal lain aku mendapat pelajaran, terlebih ketika Pdt. Niko Njotorahardjo bersaksi, ketika seorang pendoa menegur Pdt. Niko Njotorahardjo dan beliau langsung bertobat. Saya mengevaluasi diri aku sendiri, Pdt. Niko Njotorahardjo yang diurapi Tuhan saja bisa dikoreksi Tuhan melalui orang lain, aku bertekad, aku mau bertobat untuk tidak sombong. Aku menyerahkan hatiku untuk diubahkan oleh Tuhan.
Selama di Jakarta, aku kembali ke kasih mula-mula, Tuhan membawa aku untuk terus bernyanyi dan menyembah Tuhan. Beban yang membelenggui aku hilang. Aku merasakan damai sejahtera karena Roh Kudus terus berbicara kepada aku. Aku tidak meminta apapun dari Tuhan, tiap aku berdoa aku cuma bilang, Tuhan, aku hanya menyenangkan hati-Mu saja, aku mau merasakan hal seperti ini seumur hidupku, jangan biarkan Roh-Mu jauh dari aku.
Tuhan memang baik. Beberapa minggu ini, Tuhan membalikkan keadaan hidup aku, aku semakin semangat untuk bekerja dan melayani. Semua beban yang begitu berat sebelumnya, satu per satu selesai. Yang aku syukuri adalah aku nggak jadi ninggalin Tuhan.

Kesaksian ini ditulis oleh Ordeli Yamotuho Zalukhu, S.T.
tepat pada Peringatan Jumat Agung, 19 April 2019 di Yogyakarta
Editor : Sefty Pardosi

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