Contoh Fable dalam Bahasa Inggris
Valentin Retnowati C. Zai
(Pohon Pemberi)
Pada zaman dahulu berdiri satu kerajaan yang makmur dan damai. Dalam wilayah kerajaan itu terapat pohon besar yang menjulang tinggi yang diberi nama “EU BÖWÖ” (pohon pemberi). Letaknya cukup strategis bagi banyak orang. Setiap hari semua makhluk hidup dating dibawah daun rindang pohon tersebut utnuk berteduh. Burung dan hewan lain hinggap di pohon itu dan minta pemberian. Daun pohon itu melambai-lambai sepertinya memanggil sekalian makhluk di bumi mengokohkan persatuan dan kesatuan. Pohon tersebut cukup adil dalam memberikan rezeki, sehingga tidak seorangpun manusia miskin dan melarat. Pohon tersebut dinamai oleh masyarakat “Pohon pemberi rezeki”.
Suatu ketika saat fajar menyingsing
sekalian makhluk bersuka ria menyambut pagi hari yang cerah. Datanglah bertamu
seekor binatang namanya Lito-lito
(ulat) kecil kepada Eu Böwö (pohon
pemberi) hendak meminta sesuatu agar dia dapat menjelma menjadi seekor ayam
jantan. Pohon pemberi (Eu Bowo) mengabulkannya lalu diberi nama “Si Jago”.
Ayam jago pergi dengan gagahnya, berniat
hendak membunuh ayam-ayam dalam kerajaan. Si Jago secepat kilat telah tiba di
halaman Istana Raja, dia melihat ribuan ayam hidup santai di halaman kerajaan.
Tanpa perhitungan dan rasa kasih saying terhadap sesame, si jago terbang
menghajar semua jantan dan betina. Dengan kesaktiannya ribuan ayam mati dan
yang lain bersembunyi. Melihat kenyataan itu putera Baginda Raja memerintahkan
para Hulubalang mengejar ayam Jago untuk dibunuh. Si Jago terbang ke angkasa
menuju Eu Böwö (pohon pemberi).
Segala peristiwa diceritakannya, dan si jago memohon agar pohon pemberi
mengubah wujudnya menjadi seekor kambing, lalu si Jago menjelma menjadi seekor
kambing, diberi namanya : “Hitam”.
Hitam meloncat-loncat kegirangan lalu
pergi meninggalkan Eu Böwö. Saat si
Hitam tiba di tempat kawanan kambing, gembala sedang istirahat, kesempatan itu
tidak dilewatkan oleh Hitam untuk membunuh semua kambing jantan dan betina,
ratusan yang mati, puluhan ekor luka-luka. Para gembala terkejut dan sedih
melihat ratusan kambing yang mati. Hitam secepatnya kilat lari menyelinap. Pada
pagi hari Hitam menceritakan segala peristiwa yang terjadi pada Eu Böwö bahwa gembala ternak berniat
membunuhnya. Hitam mohon kepada “pohon
pemberi” agar wujudnya menjelma menjadi seekor kuda diberi nama: “Merah”.
Merah lalu pergi meninggalkan Eu Böwö bermaksud membunuh semua kuda
bahkan manusia. Dari kejauhan tampak olehnya seekor kuda ditunggangi oleh
seorang pemuda. Merah mempercepat langkahnya hendak melampiaskan niat buruknya.
Ketika berdekatan secepat kilat kedua kaki merah menyerang kuda tadi akhirnya
kuda itu mati dan penunggangnya luka berat. Merah meneruskan perjalanan menuju
Istana Raja dan memasuki gelanggang kuda, terjadilah puluhan yang luka dan
cacat. Para Hulubalang dan prajurit mengejar si merah. Beberapa peluru
menghujani kea rah Merah namun karena kesaktiannya trak ada satupun peluru yang
menembusnya. Peristiwa itu diceritakannya kepada Eu Böwö dan memohon agar ia menjelma seorang pemuda sakti. Merah
menjelma menjadi seorang pemuda dan diberi nama: “Sabe’e Tandro” (keras kepala).
Tandro pergi
meninggalkan Eu Bowö mengenakan
pakaian pendekar sakti menuju Istana Raja yang sedang merayakan pesta ulang
tahun. Dengan gagah dan perkasa Sabe’e
Tandro memasuki Istana, langsung menghadap Baginda Raja menyampaikan maksud
kedatangannya. Sabe’e Tandro memperkenalkan
diri bahwa ianya seorang Putera Raja dari kerajaan yang sungguh jauh dari
kerajaan ini, bermaksud menggantikan kedudukan Baginda Raja. Mendengar ucapan
itu Baginda Raja terkejut dan terperajat dari tempat duduknya, lalu berkata:
maksud saudara tentu saja ditolak oleh rakyatku. Sabe’e Tandro memberi tawaran kedua: Bila secara damai ditolak,
satu-satunya jalan hanya peperangan. Akhir opsi terakhir adalah terjadilah
peperangan yang dasyat, gempar diseluruh kerajaan. Ratap dan tangis terdengar
dimana-mana, darah manusia mengalir ke sungai. Pada hari ketiga Panglima besar
kerajaan member isyarat tandah menyerah. Segera diadakan perundingan dan
hasilnya Sabe’e Tandro dinobatkan
sebagai Raja. Nama kebesarannya “Raja
Tandrofö” (Raja yang bertahan pada pendapat).
Tandrofö memerintah
secara kekerasan (Diktator) seluruh rakyat menderita bahkan ribuan orang mati
kelaparan. Raja Tandrofö berniat
membangun Istana Raja, sebuah bangunan pencakar langit megah dan istimewa.
Diperintahkan seluruh rakyat mengambil Eu Bowö sebagai bahan bangunan.
Mendengar ucapan itu seluruh rakyat bersedih, namun tak seorangpun yang berani
menolak perintah Raja, kendatipun mereka tahu bahwa Eu Böwö sumber rezeki.
Eu Böwö di gergaji oleh tukang kayu, namun
setengah hari mereka tidak berhasil, kulitnya saja tidak tergores pada jenis
alat yang mereka gunakan, Eu Böwö menangis ia bertanya: siapa yang menyuruh
kalian membunuh aku? Para tukang menjawab: Raja
Tandrofö, pohon pemberi menjawab: suruh Raja
Tandrofö disini, ada sesuatu yang hendak saya sampaikan. Mendengar berita
itu Raja Tandrofö sangat marah lalu
mengenakan baju tanda kebesaran dan kerispusaka di tangannya. Ketika Raja Tandrofö tiba dibawa pohon pemberi (Eu Böwö), Eu Böwö berseru: Saudara Raja Tandrofö: budi baik kau balas dengan kejahatan”.
Hari ini saksikan hai semua makhluk di
bumi dan seluruh rakyat, inilah asal-usul Raja
Tandrofö; Raja Tandrofö menjelma menjadi seekor kuda, kuda menjelmalah
menjadi kambing, kambing menjelmalah menjadi ayam, ayam menjelmalah menjadi Lito-lito (ulat). Semua terjadi yang
diucapkan oleh Eu Böwö. Seluruh
rakyat menyaksikan peristiwa yang aneh dan luar biasa itu. Eu Böwö menyuruh salah seorang
membunuh Lito-lito tadi agar
kejahatannya berakhir dengan kematian. Eu
Böwö membimbing seluruh rakyat agar
berbuat dengan baik dan bekerjakeras, hargailah segala jasa-jasa yang baik yang
telah diterima semasa hidup, jangan melupakan sejarah dan jangan memutarbalikan
fakta, sejarah tetap sejarah.
(Giver Tree)
A long time ago a prosperous and
peaceful kingdom stood. Within the kingdom there were huge tree which was
towering named Eu Böwö (giver tree). The location was moderate
strategy for many peoples. Everyday all of creature came under a leafy leaf of
tree for sheltered. The bird and other animal perched on the tree and asked
gift. The leaf of tree waved as called altogether creature in the earth firmed
association and unit. Tree such a priority in a fortune, so nobody poor humans
and destitute. Trees the named by the people “trees the sustenance”.
One when, moment daybreak, all beings
rejoice jolly welcomed the morning the bright.
A small animal Lito-lito (caterpillar)
came to Eu Böwö (giver tree) would ask something in order
that she could reincarnate to be a rooster. Giver tree (Eu Böwö) fulfilled then was named ”The Rooster”.
The Rooster went
dauntlessly, it intended to killed the chickens in the kingdom. The rooster as fast as flash of
lightning arrived in the yard of Palace King, he saw the thousand chickens
enjoyed in the yard of kingdom. Without consideration and sense of love to
peer, the Rooster flew to lacing all male and female. With its strength the
thousand chickens died and other ran lurk. Saw the fact the prince of His
Majesty called the commander to chased the Rooster for killed. The Rooster flew
to the sky to went to Eu Böwö (giver tree). It told all incident, and the
Rooster begged in order that the giver tree changed his shape to be a goat,
then the Rooster reincarnated to be a goat, was named:“Black”.
The black hopped gaiety then left Eu Böwö. When the Black arrived in place
of bevy goat, the shepherd was taking a rest, that opportunity not passed by
Black to killed all male and female goat, the hundreds goat died. Black as fast
as flash of lightning ran slip away. In the morning Black told all incident to Eu Böwö that shepherd intended to killed
him. Black begged to “giver tree” in order that his shape reincarnated to be a
horse, was named:“Red”.
Then the Red left Eu Böwö to killed all horse even human. From distance appear a
horse upside down by a young man. Red sped his step to flowed readily his
intention bad . When they were close leg of Red as fast as flash of lightning aggressed
the horse and the last the horse died and the horseman was serious injury. Red
continued trip to Palace King and entered circular area of horse, that happened
battle which stinging insect. The Red succeed to killed the hundreds horses and
that tens injury and physical defect. The commander and solder chased the Red.
A few bullet rained on Red however cause he has nothing supernatural one bullet
pierce him.That incident he told to Eu Böwö
and begged in order that he reincarnated to be a sacred man. Red
reincarnated to be scared man and it named: “Sabe’e Tandro” (dogged)
left Eu Böwö to donned uniform sacred
of hero to Palace King was celebrating birthday party. Dauntlessly and bravely Sabe’e Tandro entered the Palace, direct
faced one King to said intention his arrival. Sabe’e Tandro introduced that he was a Prince of King
from far away kingdom which was far from that kingdom, he planned to replaced
position of King. Listened the statement the King was scared and surprised from
his seat, then said: your intention of course to refused by my populace. Sabe’e Tandro gave second offer: When
the peaceful denied, only one the way were warfare. Finish the latest option
was happened warfare which it was horrifying, that is very noisy in all the
kingdom. Lamentation and weep heard in everywhere, the human blood streamed in
the river. In three days later big Commander of kingdom gave the sign to surrendered. As soon as be held
negotiation and its result Sabe’e Tandro crowned to be King. His named greatness “King Tandrofő” ( King that hold out to
Tandrofő reigned over as hardness (Dictator) all populace suffered even the
thousand peoples died hunger. King Tandrofő intended to built King Palace, a scraper
sky glorious and special building. He ordered all populace to took Eu Böwö as material of building. All
populace had the blues when they listened his statement, however no body was
brave to refused comman of king, although they knew if Eu Böwö was source of livelihood.
Böwö was in chainsaw by carpenter, however in someday they did not succeed
its skin was scratched for kind of instrument which they used. Eu Böwö cried and he asked: who did
order you to kill me ? The carpenter answered: King Tandrofö, the giver tree
answered: order the King Tandrofö in
there, I wanted to say something. When King
Tandrofö listened, he was angry then he donned a greatness clothes and
heirloom kris in his hand. When King
Tandrofö arrived under the giver tree
(Eu Böwö), Eu Böwö called: King Tandrofö
: good reason you replied wickedness.
Today witness all of creature and
populace, this was origin of King
Tandrofö, King Tandrofö
reincarnated to be a horse, horse reincarnate to be a goat, goat reincarnate to
be a rooster, rooster reincarnate to be Lito-lito
(caterpillar). All happening spoken by Eu
Böwö. All populace watched an event which was strange and exceptionally. Eu Böwö ordered someone to killed Lito-lito in order to his wickedness end
fatality. Eu Böwö saw across all
populace to did well and workhard, reverenced all merits which was good that
already accepted during alive, did not forget history and did not distorting
facts , history constant history.
A long time ago a prosperous and
peaceful kingdom stood. Within the kingdom there were huge tree which was
towering named Eu Böwö (giver tree).
Lito-lito (caterpillar) begged
to reincarnate to be a Rooster. Then, Rooster reincarnated to be a goat, then it
reincarnate to be a horse. At the last it reincarnated to be a sacred man.
Sabe’e Tandro left Eu Böwö to donned uniform sacred of hero to Palace King was
celebrating birthday party. Dauntlessly and bravely Sabe’e Tandro entered the Palace, direct faced one King to said
intention his arrival. Sabe’e Tandro introduced
that he was a Prince of King from far away kingdom which was far from that
kingdom, he planned to replaced position of King. Listened the statement the
King was scared and surprised from his seat, then said: your intention of
course to refused by my populace. Sabe’e
Tandro gave second offer: When the peaceful denied, only one the way were
warfare. Finish the latest option was happened warfare which it was horrifying,
that is very noisy in all the kingdom. Lamentation and weep heard in
everywhere, the human blood streamed in the river. In three days later big
Commander of kingdom gave the sign to
surrendered. As soon as be held negotiation and its result Sabe’e Tandro crowned to be
King. His named greatness “King Tandrofő”
( King that hold out to opinion).
Tandrofő reigned over as hardness (Dictator) all populace suffered even the
thousand peoples died hunger. King Tandrofő intended to built King Palace, a
scraper sky glorious and special building. He ordered all populace to took Eu Böwö as material of building. All
populace had the blues when they listened his statement, however no body was
brave to refused comman of king, although they knew if Eu Böwö was source of livelihood.
Böwö was in chainsaw by carpenter, however in someday they did not succeed
its skin was scratched for kind of instrument which they used. Eu Böwö cried and he asked: who did
order you to kill me ? The carpenter answered: King Tandrofö, the giver tree
answered: order the King Tandrofö in
there, I wanted to say something. When King
Tandrofö listened, he was angry then he donned a greatness clothes and
heirloom kris in his hand. When King
Tandrofö arrived under the giver tree
(Eu Böwö), Eu Böwö called: King Tandrofö
: good reason you replied wickedness. King Tandrofő reincarnated to be Lito-lito (caterpillar) and then the
giver tree ordered someone to kill Lito-lito
and it died.
Eu Böwö : kind, pay
attention to other people
Rooster;goat;horse; King Tandrofö :
dictator, greedy, jealous
all merits which was good that already accepted during alive
not be arrogant with our grandeur
not forget the peoples whom they help us before
a wise
Prosperous : makmur
: tinggi
Leafy : rindang
Perched : bertengger
Destitute : melarat
Carpenter : tukang kayu
Reincarnate : menjelma
Goat : kambing
Crowned : di nobatkan
Commander : hulubalang
Injury : luka
Sacred : sakti
Rooster : ayam jantan
kris : keris pusaka
Warfare : peperangan
Creature : makhluk hidup
Fatality : kematian
Wickedness : kejahatan
Lamentation : ratap
Weep : tangis
sky : pencakar langit
Donned : mengenakan
Dogged : keras kepala
Distorting : memutarbalikkan
Comman : perintah
Dauntlessly : dengan gagah
Reason : akal (budi)
Constant : tetap
Majesty : baginda
Begged : memohon
Comman : perintah : order
Source : sumber : resource
Reincarnate : menjelma :
Accept : menerima : receive
Constant : tetap : unchaged
is the name of the big tree in the kingdom ?
Ø The name of the
big tree in the kingdom is Eu Böwö.
does want to reincarnate to be a rooster ?
Ø Lito-lito (caterpillar) reincarnate to be a
did reign by prince of His Majesty over to kill the Rooster ?
Ø He reigned the
commander to kill the Rooster.
the attitude of Sabe’e Tandro when he was a king in the kingdom ?
Ø He reigned over
as Dictator.
the origin of king Tandrofö ?
Ø The origin of
King Tandrofö is the caterpillar transformed to be a rooster, the rooster
reincarnated to be a goat, the goat reincarnated to be a horse, the horse
transformed to be a King Tandrofö.
Eu Böwö fair to giving windfall ?
Ø Yes, it is.
King Tandrofö govern justly and sincerely to his populace ?
Ø No.
the populace happy when King Tandrofö ruled in the kingdom ?
Ø No.
the King Tandrofö succeed to built a scraper sky building ?
Ø No,he did not.
King Tandrofö arrogant to his populace ?
Ø Yes, he is.
were the shepherds doing when the goat came to across a herd og goat?
Ø When the goat
arrived, the shepherd was sleeping.
was the king doing when Sabe’e Tandro came to the kingdom ?
Ø When sabe’e
Tandro came, the king was celebrating the birthday party.
was a goat doing when Eu Böwö gave
the goat power?
Ø When the goat
found the power, it was happy.
were the commander doing when the horse wanted to kill another horse in the
Ø When the horse
came, the commander pursued the horse.
happened after Eu Böwö spoken about
reincarnation of Lito-lito
Ø All happening
spoken by Eu Böwö.
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Contoh Fable dalam Bahasa Inggris
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